The Impacts of Video Game
Many of people all over the world are being addicted by games. They are addicted with various games, such as: video games, online games, multiplayer games, etc.
Most of them are addicted with video games. Regrettably, a great number of these addicts are teenagers. They start playing video games because video games can help them to spend their leisure time. Some of them play video games as a hobby. Others play video games because video games can refresh their mind when they feel stuck with their daily. Actually, playing video games does not only give bad impact to the teenagers, but also give good impact.
As we know, playing video games can give bad impact for teenagers. Various games have been accused of causing addiction, laziness, and even violent behavior. Addiction to video games can harm the teenagers because can make teenagers focus their mind to the game not to their study. Beside that, playing video games can make them forget the time and waste the time as it ought to study. Consequently, they will feel playing video games are more interesting than studying, be lazy to do their homework because they have not enough time to do it, and then start to absent from school because they just want to play video games. And the worst, video games have been the subject of frequent controversy and censorship, due to the depiction of graphic violence, sexual themes, propaganda, and profanity in some games. For example, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has a lot of negative subject for teenagers such as: killing cops, stealing cars, prostituting, being part of gang wars, and many more. Dr. Anderson and colleagues have shown that playing a lot of violent video games is related to having more aggressive thoughts, feelings, behaviors (Andreson & Bushman, 2001). Teenagers who play violent video games have the possibility to follow the act in the game and imitate game figures. Importantly, research has showed that teenagers who play violent video games for less than 10 minutes tend to act aggressively shortly after playing and these effects happen just as much for non-aggressive teenagers as they do for the other who are already have aggressive tendencies. Another study found that teenagers who spend more time playing violent video games are more hostile and more likely to argue with their parent than other teens. The research also showed that playing violent video games may be more harmful for teenagers than watching violence on TV. Because video games involve teenagers in practicing repeated acts of violence, and often reward them for it, the games make the violence more realistic and intensify the teenagers’ learning of violent behavior. Moreover, Middle school students who spend their after-school hours playing video games could see their school performance suffer.
But, from that all bad impacts, video games also have several good impacts for teenagers. First of all, video games, which have educational values, can raise IQ level because when they play video games, they have to solve problems fast and they must have ability to understand thing from multiple viewpoints. For example, when they playing tycoon’s games, such as: Zoo Tycoon, Railroad Tycoon, Restaurant Tycoon, and many more, they must know how to play the game and understand the objective of the game and then solve it. Playing video games also can help teenagers to be more independent. For example, in some games, such as: The Sims or Harvest Moon, the player asked to be more independent because in this game they must play the character’s daily life. Beside that, playing video games can make teenagers to be more creative because they can express what they like by making, combining, or building something on video games. For example, they can make their own character in some games or combine various food ingredients on Pizza Tycoon or build a house on The Sims and even a city on SimCity. Second, playing video games can decrease stress and boredom level. When teenagers feel stress with their problems or feel bored with their daily at school, playing video games can help teenagers to reduce it. Third, playing video games can help teenagers to spend their leisure time on weekend or holiday season. On holiday season, teenagers have a lot of leisure time and many parents believe that they are better playing video games at home than doing negative thing such as: doing crime, drinking alcohol, or even using drugs outside home.
In summary, playing video games can cause addiction, laziness, and even violent behavior. But in the other side, playing video games have good impact because it can help teenagers to be more creative and raising their IQ level, reduce their stress and boredom level, and to spend their leisure time. Playing video games does not only give bad impacts for teenagers but also gives good impacts. So, let start to share our time between playing video games and studying, but before that, try to choose video games which are stimulating us to be more creative than shooting or killing somebody else on video games.
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